Northeast Iowa Farm Antique Association

Back view of the Barn
Case Steam Tractor
View of the hills sides
Aerial view of the grounds
Aerial view of the grounds
Country Store and Barn
Rock crusher
Tractor Pull 2021
Tractor Pull 2021
Horse Pull 2021

Plagman Barn News

2025 Calendar 
March Meeting Date and Time to BE DETERMATED.
May 18th Regular Meeting-1PM Saloon.
June 8th Regular Meeting- 11:30AM Saloon.
June 8th Barn Dance: Triple Threat 12:30-4PM
August 9th Saturday Barn Dance- 4-8PM
August 10th Regular Meeting- 1PM Saloon.
September 14th Regular Meeting- 1PM Saloon.
Show Days- 19th, 20th, & 21st: 10AM-5PM
October 12th Regular Meeting- 1PM Saloon.
November 9th Regular Meeting- 1PM Saloon.

Want to become a member?
$10 per years
Membership are also available for purchase at the dances and Show Days.
Email Lu at if you are interested.

Looking for a place to have a wedding or event ?
The White Barn can handle a capacity of 200-230 comfortably.
Contact with Lorna (563) 252-2559.

Address: 28384 Garber Rd, Garber, IA

Find Us

About Us

The Northeast Iowa Farm Antique Association is dedicated to the historical preservation as well as the education of our area youth demonstrating the area’s early farm and home practices and techniques.

Steam powered engines, single cylinder engines, and horse drawn equipment highlight our three day fall Show Days. Threshing oats, chopping silage, baling straw, cutting wood from logs, a working grist mill, blacksmith shop, butter churning, horse pull, antique tractor pull and other activities are on the daily calendar of events.

There are numerous old pieces of machinery, household appliances, and memorabilia to look at. We also have music and dancing, food stands and shuttle service to make your tour enjoyable and more convenient.

Come join us the third full weekend in September and revisit Iowa Farming of yesteryear.

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